Content : Video Marketing

Content : Video Marketing

Partnering with Businesses in Transition 

Redefine Your Content & Video Marketing

Not sure how to connect with your clients?
Is your content marketing inconsistent and unproductive?
Want to get started with content marketing but not sure how?

Great content engages with customers 
getting them running to your door.  

Wouldn’t that be nice for a change?  

Engage with Clients using Compelling Content. 

Whether it’s a powerfully written blog article, an infographic or humorous video, content needs to tell your story to a waiting audience and encourage them to contact you or share your content with others.

We’ll work with you to develop an effective content marketing strategy that connects with customers. Not all content is right for your specific customers. We’ll learn about your customers, what type of content they like and how to reach them. Then we’ll create content that best tells your story to your customers and deliver it to where they show up.

Great content also impacts SEO for your website and helps your business rank higher in search results.

Redefining Content 

Website Content
Website content needs to grab visitors within a few seconds, or they will move to another site for information. Professional, witty writing engages, entertains, and succinctly tells your business story.

Blog articles are a great way to share your expertise with potential customers. Successful articles maximize SEO by highlighting a single idea and keyword phrase. Blog articles expand the size of your website, support SEO and can come up high in website ranking. Share articles through social media and email marketing to entice visitors to visit your website. High performing articles can be used as a lead magnet to grow sales or promoted through digital ads.

Press Releases and News
Press releases positively impact your reputation both online and in print and can announce new services, awards, employees, locations and more. The more often your business is in the news, the more likely customers will recognize your business name and contact you.

White Papers and Case Studies
White papers and case studies are another way to demonstrate expertise and build trust in the marketplace. They can be included in your website as downloadable materials or as part of an opt-in promotion on a landing page. They can also be promoted on social media and advertising. White papers share your expertise while case studies speak to your successes.

Video Marketing
Quality videos enable your business to tell a short story, explain services, engage with your audience and compel viewers to take a specific action, such as completing a contact form or contact your business. Video can be used in social media, on websites, in landing pages and digital advertising.

Content Marketing Strategy : GCMD

Content Marketing

We create written content and graphics that resonates with customers and prompts them to take action.

We help businesses tell their stories and connect with customers through a variety of marketing channels, either singly or as part of a well-defined marketing strategy or sales funnel.

Blog articles, eBooks and case studies educate customers about your services and products. Eye-catching infographics or stunning graphics can be shared through social media. 

Video Marketing

Video marketing is breaking records for engagement and customer connections. 

Reach your audience with engaging videos that entertain, inform and engage with your ideal customer. Tell your story well and customers will follow you.

Our team uses creativity and strong technical skills to craft a video that meets your vision for storytelling. Post your finished video on your website, in social medial, email campaigns, in blog articles and in presentations.
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