7 Costly Mistakes

Are you sabotaging your own marketing and sales efforts?

It’s easy to make mistakes if you’re unfamiliar with the latest online sales and marketing techniques ~ 

You might not know the full scale of damage you’re doing to your company’s online presence and sales. 

Marketing slip-ups can cause damage to your brand’s reputation and have a serious impact on your future sales and revenue.

Find out if you're making any of the 7 most common marketing and sales mistakes (and how to avoid them in the future) with our free eBook "7 Common But Costly Marketing and Sales Mistakes".

Packed with real-life situations and proven solutions for missing critically painful and costly mistakes, this book is an essential read for any company undergoing a transition phase in their business right now. 

Some of the topics we’ll discuss are:

1. How to protect your client base from competitors

2. How to retain control your website's domain

3. How to preserve your online reputation

4. How to ensure your website's secure from hackers and viruses.

5. How to control your social media accounts

6. How outdated technology is costing you money

7. How to protect your brand from being stolen

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Save Time and Money 
by Avoiding These Common Mistakes.

Over the past ten years, we’ve worked with a wide variety of companies going through a pivotal transition period in their business. 

Many of our clients have experienced major shifts in identity, ownership, accelerated growth or found the need to streamline their processes significantly. 

We've also seen painful situations that could have been avoided completely if the right steps had been taken during the transition process. 

Laying a solid foundation of workable processes helps reduce or eliminate missteps during seasons of change.

Having a solid set of processes for sales and marketing is critical to any company's success - and these processes can easily get watered down, or completely forgotten, during a difficult transition phase.  

Learn how to sidestep 7 of the most common critical sales and marketing blunders by downloading our free eBook "7 Common But Costly Marketing and Sales Mistakes" 

Whether you feel like your company’s marketing efforts are stagnating or you’re constantly trying to put out fires with your company’s website, "7 Common But Costly Marketing and Sales Mistakes" can help you discover the real problem beneath the surface and prevent it from happening again.

In the last ten years, we’ve helped many companies navigate through identity shifts and acquisitions. Our team lives to help business owners gracefully move through changes in their business, which is why we've created this free guide. 

Order Free eBook

When you download your copy, we’ll also add your name to our bi-weekly newsletter list. Yes, you’ll be able to unsubscribe at any time if you don't find the newsletters beneficial!

Each newsletter will include information to help you through your business transition, with real-life stories about companies that moved through a transition period successfully to help you identify and address potential problems before they become issues. 

Most of all, we want this information to be relevant to your season of change. If you have specific concerns, challenges or questions, let us know. 

Be well,
Alexandra Heseltine
GCMD: Granular Creative Marketing Design

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